Microsoft 2005 Launch events in Orem and SLC areas
The local .NET User’s Group here in Utah County (UCNUG) and Microsoft are hosting/sponsoring three upcoming events. I’ll be hosting/volunteering at both of them myself. Here’s a little piece for…
Read up on .NET news, tips, cautions... and other areas of technological interest.
The local .NET User’s Group here in Utah County (UCNUG) and Microsoft are hosting/sponsoring three upcoming events. I’ll be hosting/volunteering at both of them myself. Here’s a little piece for…
I am just getting into using log4net, and for the most part I like what I see. It works with .NET 2.0, but it has a couple of gotchas that…
Microsoft has been working hard on the next generation of development tools and database technologies. Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 are two of the most anticipated technologies to…
I recently became the vice-president of the Utah County .NET Users Group .I’ve come home with the new Visual Studio 2005 Beta software, and manynew ideas for projects or implementing…