How to host a Zcash litewalletd server via docker
In a prior post I documented how I used a docker-compose.yml file to make it easy to create and maintain a zcashd server. In this post, I add a litewalletd…
HODL Is Not Enough-Crypto Must Become an Economic Currency
If cryptocurrencies were only good as an investment, BTC might be enough by itself. But of course, the value many people see in cryptocurrency is to supplant fiat currency, including…
How to host a Zcash node via docker
I’ve been running my own zcashd node in a docker container for quite a while. But it has been hosted by my primary Windows machine. Today, I moved it to…
Moved from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress
The URL is the same but hosting for this blog has moved from Google’s Blogger to hosting WordPress on my own server. I learned a lot in this transition, and…
Should I merge or rebase in git?
A lot has been said about whether folks should rebase, squash or merge into their git repos. It has almost gotten to the level of religious arguments like tab vs.…
How to sell your Coinbase Multi-sig wallet coins on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network
The Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH) fork was controversial and many expected it to quickly die, which is why Coinbase announced ahead of the fork that customers would not have access to…
All about RSA key formats
I’ve spent the past few weeks building up the PCLCrypto library which targets .NET Framework, Windows Store (WinRT), Windows Phone (WP8), Silverlight (SL), Xamarin.Android (XA) and Xamarin.iOS (XI). What started…
Update on the secure messaging IronPigeon protocol and the Dart application
In my last post I mentioned I was focusing my attention on the IronPigeon protocol. Since then, the IronPigeon project has matured and added support for both iOS and Android…
Moving on… DotNetOpenAuth in search for new project leaders
Disclosure and disclaimer: I am a software engineer at Microsoft, but the following post (just like all other posts on this blog) is my own and in no way represents…
DotNetOpenAuth ships with Visual Studio 2012
Some of you may have already heard the announcement on .NET Rocks (time index 41:30), but in case you haven’t: Visual Studio 2012 will include DotNetOpenAuth in all its ASP.NET…