Getting OpenID user profile information using JanRain’s .NET assembly
I previously posted regarding the ASP.NET controls I wrote to wrap JanRain’s .NET implementation of OpenID. I have updated those controls to now automatically request user profile information from your…
ASP.NET drop-in control to enable OpenID logins for your site
OpenID is gaining ground, and with good reason. A cross-platform, cross-browser single Internet sign-on using a distributed network is very appealing. I’ll assume though that you already know what OpenID…
NetCF 3.5’s Finalizer Log
The .NET Compact Framework has had several loggers (error, interop, loader, networking, and security) in previous versions. NetCF 3.5 introduces the finalizer logger, which is useful for performance tuning your…
Platform detection III: How to detect a touch screen on Windows CE in .NET CF
Pocket PC’s have touch screens. Smartphones don’t. While it is straightforward to determine which of these a Windows Mobile device is, there are Windows CE devices that are neither. Some…
Platform detection II: Is your app running on Smartphone or Pocket PC?
While both Smartphones and Pocket PCs are based on Windows Mobile, there are some very important differences for developers who are targeting both platforms. Not the least of which are… ripping off my blog has been ripping off my blog and posting it as their own. No credit is given (a tiny link to the original). They are using it to boost their…
Platform detection I: How to detect that your app is running in the emulator
When you develop your Windows CE or Windows Mobile application in .NET Compact Framework, you probably do a lot of testing on the Microsoft Device Emulators for Smartphone and Pocket…
Windows and Linux
This article is intended to be a store for some fair comparisons between the Windows and Linux operating systems. It’s not a Windows versus Linux document. Comments are allowed, but…
SystemParametersInfo: buffer size in unicode characters or bytes?
The SystemParametersInfo function in Windows CE can be tricky, even deadly, when it comes to passing in buffers for SPI_GETOEMINFO or SPI_GETPLATFORMTYPE. Each of these uiAction values fill a given…
Want a Writely invite?
It turns out that although you can’t directly sign up for Writely during this transition to Google, existing Writely accounts can invite others to Writely to collaborate on existing documents.…