SPSS.NET wrapper library now hosted on CodePlex
The C# library I wrote that wraps SPSS IO library (spssio32.dll) for managed applications is now hosted on CodePlex. It hasn’t been developed much in the last few years, but…
Finally, an OpenID provider that takes Information Cards as authentication
I don’t know why this took so long to surface. And maybe it just took a while to discover. But honestly I don’t know why there is only one service…
How to (not) write an especially precarious app on .NET (Compact Framework)
As the .NET Compact Framework developers work to add features, fix bugs, and refactor code, we often have to determine whether a given change could break existing customer code. The…
How to get sound working on Virtual PC 2007 with Vista guest OS
Virtual PC 2007 added a new sound system specifically for using Vista as a guest and host OS. But when you install Vista as a guest OS, there is no…
Microsoft releases .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2
This morning Microsoft released the second service pack for their .NET Compact Framework 2.0. Lots of work and bug fixes were included in this service pack, with the priority being…
A C# programmer’s first experience wading in Boo
Boo is a .NET static-typed language with a python scripting feel. It’s neat because you have less to type (and maintain) and get much of the same functionality. SharpDevelop also…
A new .NET OpenID implementation written in C#
Quite a bit of stir has been raised about Janrain’s popular .NET implementation of OpenID being written in Boo rather than C#. Personally, I take my hat off to the…
Why your NetCF apps fail to call some web services
Here’s the scenario: You are writing an NetCF app and trying to call a web service from that app. You generated the code for the client proxy class using Visual…
Getting OpenID user profile information using JanRain’s .NET assembly
I previously posted regarding the ASP.NET controls I wrote to wrap JanRain’s .NET implementation of OpenID. I have updated those controls to now automatically request user profile information from your…
ASP.NET drop-in control to enable OpenID logins for your site
OpenID is gaining ground, and with good reason. A cross-platform, cross-browser single Internet sign-on using a distributed network is very appealing. I’ll assume though that you already know what OpenID…