For hire

I offer private software consulting and development services for the many OSS projects I contribute to, other OSS software you care about, as well as your proprietary software.

I have over 30 years of experience in software development, including 18 years as a Microsoft software engineer (currently a Principle Software Engineer). Note that my employer does not endorse or support any of the freelancing work offered on this page, even if that freelancing support relates to Microsoft-owned software.

My expertise is strongest in C# libraries and desktop applications. I have some limited experience developing mobile applications as well. I also have some experience in rust, Typescript, PowerShell, and a handful of other languages.

Contact me

You can reach me via:

Or snail mail:

IronPigeon, LLC
1704 Roma Ct.
Longmont, CO 80503

Fee schedule

Rate: $85 USD / hour, 1 hour minimum.
Payable via Zcash, PayPal, and Venmo. Zcash payments enjoy a 20% discount.

I can offer a cost estimate before payment, free of charge. Complex jobs that require research for a thorough cost estimate may incur additional costs for the full estimate.

Payment must be made before work begins. For large jobs, payment can be broken up by milestones.


Varies per job. Ask for details.
Small jobs typically finish by Monday morning.


Q: Open source software is free. Why do you charge to help on your own projects?
A: I don’t. I charge to help you with your own projects, that apparently are already benefitting from my free and open-source software. If you submit a bug report or a support request that is highly specialized, or is related to an uncommon use case, or requires that I review or create proprietary code, or will require a more of my time than I budget for in my FOSS work, I will likely invite you to pay for the support.

Q: So you don’t offer free support for your FOSS projects?
A: I do, at my discretion. Folks who report bugs or offer pull requests get a free once-over, at least. If the submission is of general interest and/or aligns with my personal interests, I’ll spend more time on it voluntarily.